
Oscar specialises in the areas of Administration and Compliance in conjunction with Transport Management and Logistics. He also has vast experience and passion in being involved in various Faith, Outreach & Ministry programs and the Performing Arts and Live Theatre in piano, pipe-organ, and ensemble singing.

He graduated from Trinity Grammar School, Kew in the Class of 2022 and is now currently studying a Double Bachelor’s Degree consisting of the Bachelor of Aviation Management and the Bachelor of Business at Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn. As recognition for his contribution and service during Secondary School and Tertiary Education, Oscar was appointed as a School Prefect and Drama Co-Captain alongside receiving numerous school service awards across his 15-year tenure as a student at Trinity Grammar and has recently been recruited as a Student Ambassador in a small tight-knit team at Swinburne.

Oscar also currently holds a number of part-time and casual positions where his responsibilities vary from the leadership and facilitation of outreach and ministry programs, administrative/site management tasks, performing arts mentorship, and ambassadorial work. An ongoing summary is located in his “Current Job Positions” page, but fuller details of his ongoing positions can be found on his LinkedIn profile in the footer/ Contact page.

Oscar has also received numerous acolytes and awards through his work in throughout Melbourne and abroad, his highlight being the Boroondara Youth Leadership (Senior) Award for 2024.

After tertiary study, Oscar seeks to be involved with Operations and Logistics in the Aviation Industry and/or Melbourne’s Yarra Trams to build a strong future and maintain a high level of standard for our transport industry as a whole.

He is also always on the lookout for any once-off hires for Performing Arts assistance as a musician/mentor to students and Administration and Information Technology based assistance. Please reach out to him via the form or his socials located in the ‘Contact’ page.